SIRD&PR - State Institute of Rural Developmenrt & Panchayati Raj
ETC - Extension Training Centre
SPRC - State Panchayat Resource Centre
DPRC - District Panchayat Resource Centre
MoRD - Ministry of Rural Development
MoPR - Ministry of Panchayati Raj
NIRD&PR - National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
NIRD&PR-NERC - National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj - North Eastern Regional Centre
MoLJ - Ministry of Law and Justice
PMU - Programme Management Unit
SIA - Social Impact Assessment
MELD - Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Documentation
TMP - Training Management Portal
RGSA - Rastrya Gram Swaraj Abhyan
SHG - Self Help Group
SAGY - Sansad Adharsh Gram Yojana
VAGY - Vidhyan Adharsh Gram Yojana
RGNIYD - Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
BFT - Barefoot Technician
ASCI - Agriculture Skill Council of India
VDP - Village Development Plan
IWMP/PMKSY - Integrated Watershed Management Programme/Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
PLC - Panchayat Learning Centre
GPDP - Gram Panchayat Development Plan
CF - Core Faculty
VC - Village Council
NSFA - National Food Security Act
MDM - Mid-Day Meal
MGNREGS/A - Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme/Act
PMAY - G - Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Gramin
OTC - Organisation of Training Courses/Seminars/Workshops
PFMS - Public Finance Management System
SAU - Social Audit Unit
FPO - Farmers Producers Organisation
ASHA-NIOS - Accredited Social Health Activist - National Institute of Open Schooling
CSDCI - Construction Skill Development Council of India
TMS - Time and Motion Study
LESDE - Labour, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Department
MzSRLM - Mizoram State Rural Livelihoods Mission
NRLM - National Rural Livelihoods Mission
PO - Programme Officer
APO - Additional Programme Officer (MGNREGS)/Assistant Programme Officer (DRDA)
TA - Technical Assistant
VLAA - Village Level Administrative Assistant